Adults Only Guest Ranch Weeks
4UR isn’t holding any family ranch vacations right now, but we do have special times allotted this summer for those with kids and those that are looking for a bit of solace from the hustle and bustle of children. Look forward to the last two weeks in August being adult only weeks for Rocky mountain vacations at 4UR. The ranch is always a place where peace and quiet can be found, but sometimes it is good to have a little grown-up time, where you can let your hair down and enjoy the hot springs and swimming pool without any floaty toys in the water with you.

Interior of the Lodge
Dining has always been an important aspect of our Western vacations. We actually open up our dining room to non-4UR guests from Creede, so that if they want to have some fine dining they don’t have to drive all the way to Denver! This can be a wonderful time during adult only week to share some fine wine and food with your travel companions and the new friends you will meet at the ranch. Swap fishing stories, hiking favorites, and enjoy a relaxing dip in the natural hot springs before you retire to your comfortable cabin.
Take the time to find your peace of mind through the variety of great activities we have at the ranch. Fly fishing might be your tonic: the cool gurgle of Goose Creek is sure to soothe. For me personally, there is little more relaxing than getting on horseback and taking to the trails. The rhythm of the animal’s movements always allows me to think, and get outside myself for a while.
Whatever it may be, come to 4UR for an adults only dude ranch vacation and find a little peace of mind.