4UR Ranch Remodels This Winter
This winter, the 4UR Ranch is remodeling and building to continue to bring you excellent service.
All remodels and construction are the combined efforts of Creede America and Vineyard Construction.
Main Lodge Remodel
When you arrive at the Ranch this summer, you will notice the first remodel as you arrive and check in. We have expanded our reception area and rearranged our offices to better serve your needs during your stay. The result is a more open, friendly atmosphere to greet you, while still keeping the same 4UR charm.
Maude’s bar will have a new, larger deck with more outside seating, and a fire pit to enjoy the cool Colorado nights while having an after dinner cocktail with friends.

New area where Guests will greet Office Manager, Kathy Adelman. Visible doorway to remodeled office of Ranch Managers Robin & Aaron Christensen
The Barn
For those who enjoy our horse program, you will be delighted to work in our new round arena, located just east of the barn. Head wrangler Damon Gibbons is excited to use the new arena, as it will provides another space for horsemanship instruction. Its circular shape is more conducive for trotting and loping exercises, working on one’s balance and seat in the saddle.
Another mounting/dismounting area has been developed between the barn and the new arena. This will cause less congestion at the barn, as we have several rides throughout the week that leave and arrive minutes apart from each other. It will also provide ease of accessing trails starting on the east side of the barn.
Our wranglers will appreciate the remodel of the tack room located at the north end of the barn. The new design will ensure much more ease of saddling up to 30+ horses each morning.
Part of the original bathhouse has been transformed into a light and airy painting studio for owner and renowned painter, Lindsey Leavell. This addition has breathed a wonderful breath of fresh air into the old building, which is mostly used for storage. As Lindsey spends most of the summer and fall on the ranch with her husband Pete, the studio will be a nice addition to the retreat of their ranch home.

A Glimpse at the remodel of the Bathhouse room that will be the new Studio space for artist Lindsey Leavell
The Broffts
We have enjoyed having Foreman Tobe Brofft and Wrangler Kate Brofft year-round for the past two years. (Kate’s first summer was in 2008, and Tobe came as a ranch hand in 2010). The 4UR has been a special place to them both, and is where they exchanged wedding vows on August 25, 2012. Kate and Tobe have decided to take jobs back in Kate’s hometown – Oakland, California. It has been a big task for them as they prepare to pack up two dogs, two cats, and five horses! They will be sorely missed, but we wish all the best to them in their new endeavors.