There are many opportunities to observe wildlife at our Colorado dude ranch. Colorado wildlife is very diverse and there are lots of different animals to look for. Evenings and early mornings are best times for sightings. Depending on the season, mule deer, elk, bighorn sheep, moose and a host of other mammals and birds are abundant. Summer or winter, deer are a fairly common encounter while elk, moose, and bighorn sheep tend to migrate into lower valleys as the high country weather cools. Bear, lynx, cougar, bobcat, marmot, ground squirrels and many other small mammals also are common to the area. Catching sight of these wild creatures is always a thrilling experience. However, all wildlife should always be respected and given plenty of space. Do not attempt to approach or feed wild creatures.


Big Horn Sheep meander onto our guest ranch outside of Creede Colorado.

If you’re really excited to see some wildlife, we recommend you have a camera or binoculars with you at all times because you never know what animals might show up.